The Prime Minister stated that this initiative marks another big step on the difficult road between the beautiful and the ugly in Tirana. “I am glad that this amalgam of forces and energies has been created, another concrete big step on the very difficult road between the beautiful and the ugly in Tirana. “It is an extraordinary thing for me that this country is turning into an energetic destination of beauty because the potential is here”, declared Rama. He praised the mayor Veliaj for the work done to wake up of Tirana from sleep and its transformation in these years. “We have had many efforts over the years and we have discussed with Erion from the beginning when he took the mandate to wake up Tirana from sleep. Constantly the question was: what could be that could keep the building alive? It is true that in the end we came to the point that this building should go to children and young people “, said Rama.

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